Old Bethlehem Association of United Baptists Articles of Faith
We, the churches of Jesus Christ called United Baptist, are constituted on the following faith, viz:
Article 1. We believe in the only true and living God, the Creator of Heaven and earth and all things that are herein contained.
Article 2. We believe in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who is head and King of His church.
Article 3. We believe in the Holy Ghost, the sealer and applier of the Redemption purchased by Christ.
Article 4. We believe in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and these three are one.
Article 5. We believe the Old and New Testament scriptures to be the infallible word of God and take the New Testament for our only rule of faith and practice and nothing is to be taken from or added to it.
Article 6. We believe in the free atonement of Jesus Christ, that He tasted death for every man that salvation is offered to all men and women on the terms of the gospel.
Article 7. We believe that repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and regeneration is necessary, previous to baptism, and that immersion is the only right way of administering the ordinance.
Article 8. We believe that Jesus Christ has but one true church and that it finally perseveres through grace to glory.
Article 9. We believe in the communion of the Lord’s Supper, that is, taking of the bread and fruit of the vine, by the church of Jesus Christ in commemoration of the death and suffering of the Son of God until His second coming, and that none but legally baptized members of our faith and order be admitted to the same.
Article 10. We believe that foot washing is an ordinance of Jesus Christ and ought to be observed and kept up by His church until His second coming.
Article 11. We believe that Jesus Christ is the first resurrection from the dead and that He lives forever.
Article 12. We believe in the resurrection of the just and unjust.
Article 13. We believe the happiness of the saints and punishments of the wicked are eternal.
Article 14. We believe it is right and proper to accept the baptism performed by a legally ordained Elder of our faith and order (within our correspondence). Candidates for membership coming by recommendation from other churches must be approved in the following manner before being accepted. A committee consisting of at least two of the ordained authority of the church which the candidate wishes to join, shall conduct an investigation of the candidate’s previous baptism, and if the committee finds that it satisfies Article 7 of our Articles of Faith and is orthodox according to the rules of Old Bethlehem Association, the candidate will be eligible for membership. The local church committee shall use these questions as guidelines in determining the eligibility of members from other churches not of our fellowship or correspondence.
1. Were you born again previous to baptism?
2. Are you an active member of a regularly organized
3. Were you baptized by a legally ordained Minister or
Deacon of the church?
4. Does this church ordain, or use ministers or deacons
who may be termed “double married”?
5. Does this church ordain, or use women in the ministry?
6. Are you satisfied that you have been legally baptized
7. Were you put under the water? (Immersed)
All the business done in these matters, except the examination by the committee, shall be done at a regularly scheduled business meeting.
Article 15. We believe that the Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom, and both Jews and Gentiles must be born again to become subjects or citizens of this Kingdom. (John 3:3-5; Col. 1:13) We believe the Kingdom of God and of Christ to be the same. (John 17:10). We do not believe that Christ will sit on an earthly “literal” throne in the city of Jerusalem, and reign over an earthly kingdom for a thousand years.